We curate a monthly newsletter experience called The Care Package that takes you on a hero’s journey through spirituality and philosophy, astrology, music, art, and cinema via specially curated playlists, movie recommendations, and creative lifestyle prompts.

The Care Package is a transmedia and multidimensional immersive art experience that will provide you with the necessary tools and inspiration that you’ll need to thrive in this lifetime on your own personal hero’s journey to destiny.

It is a Deus Ex Machina. We like to look at life as a massive-multiplayer open-world role-playing video game. Let’s say the game is borderlands 3, call of duty or apex legends and you’re in the middle of the biggest battle. The tension is ramping up you need to defeat the final boss but you’re running out of ammo and your health is extremely low.

It almost seems hopeless but before you even get a chance to feel like all hope is loss, a care package comes floating down right to where you are and it has EVERYTHING you need to take down the final boss and make it to the next level successfully. These care packages will provide you the monthly wisdom, encouragement and inspiration you need for the next 30 days. from new moon to new moon.


March 2022 - February 2023

the full care package experience will be available exclusively to members-only.

to become a member, subscribe to our patreon at the link below.

members get exclusive content, early access, voting rights, merchandise and so much more!

membership subscriptions start at $10/month.